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Outline of What We'll focus on in lessons, home practice and workshops:

Instruction will be tailored to each individual student but the following outline will get piano students through

OMTA Syllabus program and is also an outline for how students are assessed in my studio.

This journey may take anywhere from eight to fourteen years to complete and by the end of it, students will be prepared for entrance auditions to university programs and will boost their eligibility for scholarships. 

Piano Students

Level Prep A

Music Tree "Time to Begin" (yellow book):  concepts of reading notation

Level Prep B

Music Tree "Part 1" (red book):  basics of reading notation

Level Prep B

Music Tree "Part 2A" (green book):  continuing the basics of reading notation

5 - Finger Major / Minor Scales

Basic Technique

Level 1

Music Tree "Part 2B" (blue book):  developing reading skills and theory

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 1

OMTA "Super Scales A La Syllabus book 1"

cadences:  I - V - I, all Major and Minor Keys

rhythm reading:  eighth notes through whole notes

ear training:  Recognition of Major and Minor triads in root position

Learn 3 short pieces in contrasting styles

Level 2

Music Tree "Part 3" (orange book):  developing reading skills and theory

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 2

One Octave Major Scales, hands separately: C, G, D, F

One Octave Minor Scales (Natural and Harmonic): a, e, b , d

One Octave Arpeggios: C, G, D, F, a, e, b, d

Triad Inversions I and V in same keys

Progressions: I - V- I, hands together

Ear Training: Major and Minor 3rds

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces using at least 2 different key signatures

Level 3

Music Tree "Part 4" (green book):  developing reading skills and theory

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 3

Two Octave Major Scales, hands separately:  G, D, F, Bb

Two Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): e, b , d, g

Two Octave Arpeggios: G, D, F, Bb, e, b, d, g

Triad Inversions I, IV, V in same keys

Progressions: I - IV- I, I - V - I: hands together

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms including dotted quarters, eighths, and sixteenth notes

Ear Training: Major and Minor 2nds, Natural, Harmonic and Melodic Scales

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.


Level 4

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 4

OMTA "Super Scales A La Syllabus book 2"

Three Octave Major Scales, hands separately:  D, A, Bb, Eb

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): b, f#, g, c

Two Octave Arpeggios: D, A, Bb, Eb, b, f#, g, c

Triad Inversions I, IV, V in same keys

Cadance: V7 - I: hands separately

Progression: I - IV- I - V - I

Modes: Lydian and Mixolydian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms including tied notes and triplet eighths

Ear Training: Perfect 4ths and Perfect 5ths, Lydian and Mixolydian Modes

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 5

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 5

Three Octave Major Scales, hands separately:  A, E, Eb, Ab

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): f#, c#, c, f

Two Octave Arpeggios: A, E, Eb, Ab, f#, c#, c, f

Dominant 7th Inversions of same keys

Cadance: V7 - I: hands separately

Progression: I - IV- I - V7 - I

Modes: Dorian and Phrygian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms in compound meter

Ear Training: Major 6ths and Minor 6ths, Dorian and Phrygian Modes

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 6

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 6

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  B, F#, C#, Cb, Gb, Db

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): g#, d#, a#, ab, eb, bb

Three Octave Arpeggios: hands separately: same keys

Dominant 7th Inversions of same keys

Chord Constructions: Diminished triads and 7ths, Augmented Triads

Inversions: Dominant 7ths and Diminished 7ths

Progressions: I - IV - ii - V7 - I

Locrian Modes, Whole tone scales and diminished scales

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms with sixteenth notes and dotted quarters.

Ear Training: Major 7ths and Minor 7ths, Tritones, Locrian Modes, Whole tone and Chromatic Scales

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 7

OMTA "Super Scales A La Syllabus book 3"

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 7

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  G, D, F, Bb (+2 keys of your choice)

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): g, d, f, bb (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Authentic Cadences (V7 - I) hands seperately

Chord Constructions: Diminished triads and 7ths, Augmented Triads

Progressions: I - vi - IV - ii - I - V - I (same keys)

Major Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: Major and Minor triads, Augmented and Diminished triads

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 8

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 8

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  A, E, Eb, Ab (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Minor Scales hands together (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): a, e, ab, eb (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Authentic Cadences (V7 - I) hands seperately

Diatonic Triads blocked (same keys)

Progressions: I - Iv - V - vi becomes i - iv - V7 - i (same keys)

Major Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic

Octave Scales chromatic

Modes: Ionian, Lydian, Mixolydian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: Major and Minor 2nds, 3rds, perfect 4ths, tritones

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 9

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 9

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  B, F#, C#, C, Cb, Gb, Db (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Minor Scales hands together (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): B, F#, C#, C, Cb, Gb, Db (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Diatonic Arpeggiated Chords

Progressions: I - IV - I - V - I vi becomes ii, I, V, I

Diatonic Triads blocked (same keys)

Progressions: I - Iv - V - vi becomes i - iv - V7 - i (same keys)

Modes: Dorian, Aeolian, Phygian, Locrian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: Perfect 5ths, Major 6ths, 7ths, Minor 6ths, 7ths, Octaves

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 10

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 10

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  parallel 6ths, 10ths: all keys

Four Octave Minor Scales hands together (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): parallel 6ths, 10ths: all keys

Cadences, hands together: Plagal, Authentic, and Deceptive Cadences: all keys

Scales in double octaves, all major keys.

All modes and special scales, hands separately

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: all intervals within an octave, up or down

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

for more info on OMTA's syllabus program, click on the link below:

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