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Level 1

Music Tree "Part 2B" (blue book):  developing reading skills and theory

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 1

OMTA "Super Scales A La Syllabus book 1"

cadences:  I - V - I, all Major and Minor Keys

rhythm reading:  eighth notes through whole notes

ear training:  Recognition of Major and Minor triads in root position

Learn 3 short pieces in contrasting styles

Level 2

Music Tree "Part 3" (orange book):  developing reading skills and theory

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 2

One Octave Major Scales, hands separately: C, G, D, F

One Octave Minor Scales (Natural and Harmonic): a, e, b , d

One Octave Arpeggios: C, G, D, F, a, e, b, d

Triad Inversions I and V in same keys

Progressions: I - V- I, hands together

Ear Training: Major and Minor 3rds

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces using at least 2 different key signatures

Level 3

Music Tree "Part 4" (green book):  developing reading skills and theory

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 3

Two Octave Major Scales, hands separately:  G, D, F, Bb

Two Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): e, b , d, g

Two Octave Arpeggios: G, D, F, Bb, e, b, d, g

Triad Inversions I, IV, V in same keys

Progressions: I - IV- I, I - V - I: hands together

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms including dotted quarters, eighths, and sixteenth notes

Ear Training: Major and Minor 2nds, Natural, Harmonic and Melodic Scales

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.


Level 4

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 4

OMTA "Super Scales A La Syllabus book 2"

Three Octave Major Scales, hands separately:  D, A, Bb, Eb

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): b, f#, g, c

Two Octave Arpeggios: D, A, Bb, Eb, b, f#, g, c

Triad Inversions I, IV, V in same keys

Cadance: V7 - I: hands separately

Progression: I - IV- I - V - I

Modes: Lydian and Mixolydian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms including tied notes and triplet eighths

Ear Training: Perfect 4ths and Perfect 5ths, Lydian and Mixolydian Modes

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 5

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 5

Three Octave Major Scales, hands separately:  A, E, Eb, Ab

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): f#, c#, c, f

Two Octave Arpeggios: A, E, Eb, Ab, f#, c#, c, f

Dominant 7th Inversions of same keys

Cadance: V7 - I: hands separately

Progression: I - IV- I - V7 - I

Modes: Dorian and Phrygian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms in compound meter

Ear Training: Major 6ths and Minor 6ths, Dorian and Phrygian Modes

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 6

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 6

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  B, F#, C#, Cb, Gb, Db

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): g#, d#, a#, ab, eb, bb

Three Octave Arpeggios: hands separately: same keys

Dominant 7th Inversions of same keys

Chord Constructions: Diminished triads and 7ths, Augmented Triads

Inversions: Dominant 7ths and Diminished 7ths

Progressions: I - IV - ii - V7 - I

Locrian Modes, Whole tone scales and diminished scales

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting rhythms with sixteenth notes and dotted quarters.

Ear Training: Major 7ths and Minor 7ths, Tritones, Locrian Modes, Whole tone and Chromatic Scales

Repertoire: 3 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 7

OMTA "Super Scales A La Syllabus book 3"

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 7

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  G, D, F, Bb (+2 keys of your choice)

Three Octave Minor Scales (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): g, d, f, bb (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Authentic Cadences (V7 - I) hands seperately

Chord Constructions: Diminished triads and 7ths, Augmented Triads

Progressions: I - vi - IV - ii - I - V - I (same keys)

Major Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: Major and Minor triads, Augmented and Diminished triads

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 8

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 8

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  A, E, Eb, Ab (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Minor Scales hands together (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): a, e, ab, eb (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Authentic Cadences (V7 - I) hands seperately

Diatonic Triads blocked (same keys)

Progressions: I - Iv - V - vi becomes i - iv - V7 - i (same keys)

Major Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic

Octave Scales chromatic

Modes: Ionian, Lydian, Mixolydian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: Major and Minor 2nds, 3rds, perfect 4ths, tritones

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 9

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 9

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  B, F#, C#, C, Cb, Gb, Db (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Minor Scales hands together (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): B, F#, C#, C, Cb, Gb, Db (+2 keys of your choice)

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Diatonic Arpeggiated Chords

Progressions: I - IV - I - V - I vi becomes ii, I, V, I

Diatonic Triads blocked (same keys)

Progressions: I - Iv - V - vi becomes i - iv - V7 - i (same keys)

Modes: Dorian, Aeolian, Phygian, Locrian

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: Perfect 5ths, Major 6ths, 7ths, Minor 6ths, 7ths, Octaves

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

Level 10

RCM repertoire and etudes books level 10

Four Octave Major Scales, hands together:  parallel 6ths, 10ths: all keys

Four Octave Minor Scales hands together (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic): parallel 6ths, 10ths: all keys

Cadences, hands together: Plagal, Authentic, and Deceptive Cadences: all keys

Scales in double octaves, all major keys.

All modes and special scales, hands separately

Four Octave Arpeggios: I, V7, i, vii (same keys)

Rhythm Reading:  Counting and Patting varied rhythms

Ear Training: all intervals within an octave, up or down

Repertoire: 4 memorized contrasting pieces from contrasting eras.

for more info on OMTA's syllabus program, click on the link below:

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